Category Archives: Anti-Israeli Action

Presbyterians approve change in divestment policy

We wholeheartedly welcome the decision by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church USA to approve the change in policy on divestment by a vote of 483 to 28. This resolution looking at the broader context of the Middle East, although far from perfect, is much more even-handed than the Israel divestment resolution approved in 2004 (which it now replaces). With thanks to Larry Rued, the details of the approved motion are as follows:

On Rescinding and Modifying Certain Actions of the 216th General Assembly (2004) Regarding the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Assembly Action The Assembly rejected two attempts to amend the recommendation and then adopted the Committee’s recommendation to answer this item with the following alternate resolution and with comment (by a vote of 483/28/1)…

The committee hereby recommends in response to this recommendation, that the 217th General Assembly (2006) approve the following alternate reslution and comment:

After careful consideration of the overtures brought before the Assembly Committee on Peacemaking and International Issues of the 217th General Assembly (2006), we offer the following recommendations.

1. We acknowledge that the actions of the 216th General Assembly (2004) caused hurt and misunderstanding among many members of the Jewish community and within our Presbyterian communion. We are grieved by the pain that this has caused, accept responsibility for the flaws in our process, and ask for a new season of mutual understanding and dialogue.
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Presbyterians edging away from divestment policy

The full vote is not until tomorrow but the Presbyterian Church USA’s committee responsible for considering the divestment issue has passed a resolution recommending a change in its current policy. Further, it acknowledges the “hurt and misunderstanding” caused by the previous assembly’s vote:

We acknowledge that the actions of the 216th General Assembly caused hurt and misunderstanding among many members of the Jewish community and within our Presbyterian communion. We are grieved by the pain that this has caused, accept responsibility for the flaws in our process, and ask for a new season of mutual understanding and dialogue.

You can find some good commentary on this issue at Solomonia.

Presbyterians: Divestment is a Costly Mistake

From Larry Rued of Concerned Presbyterians :

Two years ago, Presbyterian Church USA leaders began a divestment of corporations doing business in Israel. Since then, thousands of writers have written millions of words on the topic. Today, a Google search with keywords (Presbyterian(s), Israel, and Divestment) produces 181,000 hits.

Missing in the 181,000 results is an analysis of the money spent by the PCUSA creating and promoting its Israel Divestment Movement. A volunteer group of Concerned Presbyterians have studied the obvious and hidden costs of our church’s anti-Israel actions.
Continue reading Presbyterians: Divestment is a Costly Mistake

Insidious Threat

From the International Advisory Board for Academic Freedom (IAB):

The Idea of a ‘Grey Boycott’ Represents an Insidious Threat to the World of Academia

NATFHE Boycott Resolution passes (106:71)

Ramat Gan, Israel — The International Advisory Board for Academic Freedom (IAB) at Bar-Ilan University today expressed its deep dissatisfaction with the National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education (NATFHE) decision to impose a boycott upon all Israeli academics “who do not publicly disassociate themselves from Israeli policies”.

The IAB views the NATFHE resolution as an offense to the universal principle of academic freedom and as counterproductive to the cause of peace and understanding in the Middle East.
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