Category Archives: Anti-Semitism

Protocols of Zion Novel Removed from Shelves

From the Simon Wiesenthal Centre:

Belgium Press Shops Respond Immediately to Wiesenthal Centre Protest: Protocols of Zion Novel Removed from Shelves

Paris, 1 March 2007

Alex Williams, Executive Director of Relay – Belgium Press Shops S.A., responded within 24 hours to the Wiesenthal Centre’s protest against the distribution, through its chain, of an antisemitic novel entitled “The Protocols of Zion”.

This Tsarist forgery that inspired the Nazi Holocaust is banned in most European Union member-states. The novelized version alleges Jewish responsibility for 9/11 and the London and Madrid bombings.

Williams advised the Centre by email that “instructions have been given to remove this book from the shelves and I have asked the distributor to recall the title.”

The Centre’s Director for International Relations, Dr Shimon Samuels, commended this immediate action, stating that “your removal of ‘Les Protocoles de Sion’ from the sales outlets of Relay – Belgium sets an example for your industry. It sends a message of social responsibility to your clientele and, especially, to young people.”

Samuels added, “I will henceforth look to your Press Shops network as a model for the creation of “hate-free zones” in Europe.”

The Quai d’Orsay View

The great writer Mark Steyn reviews a book by David Pryce-Jones on French policy toward the Arabs and Jews and finds a disturbing degree of antisemitism at the heart of the French foreign policy establishment:

If you had vaguely assumed that the now routine comparisons of Israelis to Nazis derived from an antipathy to Ariel Sharon or the post-1967 transformation of the Zionist Entity from plucky embattled underdog to all-conquering military behemoth, it’s sobering to be reminded that the French were doing the Israelis-are-the-new-Nazis shtick within 10 minutes of the end of the Second World War. Jews, wrote the consul general RenĂ© Neuville in a lengthy cable from Jerusalem in 1947, are “racist through and through . . . quite as much as their German persecutors.” The dispatches of Pierre Landy, French consul in Haifa, rely heavily on “the Israeli Gestapo” and similar formulations. In public, the political class was usually more circumspect, though not always. President de Gaulle famously raged at a press conference that the Jews were “an elite people, self-assured and domineering” with “a burning ambition for conquest.” In the ensuing controversy, M. le PrĂ©sident assured the Chief Rabbi that he’d meant it as a compliment.

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What did you read in the papers today?

Want to know what those living in the Palestinian territories get as their daily media diet? Here is a sample, analyzed by Palestinian Media Watch:

Jews fan the flames of evil, provoke wars, control finance and media and dominate US policy

by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook, Palestinian Media Watch

The official Palestinian Authority newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadida published a vicious anti-Semitic article last week that included many of the classic anti-Semitic libels and modern “updates”:

– Jews start wars, including the war in Iraq, to promote Jews’ power and control
– Jews are the dominant force in United States policy
– Jews control international finance
– Jews control international media

In the article, Muhammad Khalifa, columnist from the United Arab Emirates, argues that the US is planning to control all of the world’s countries from a single central government in New York. The Jews, who dominate or control every key element in the US, including the stock market, the media and international finance, have used their “custom” of starting international wars to cement this US control.

The Jews, says Khalifa, started the war in Iraq as the first step to “force the other Arab nations to voluntarily surrender to their will.” But this tactic will ultimately fail, lead to World War III and be the end of Western culture.

It is important to note that Al Hayat-Al Jadida is controlled not by the Hamas government but by the office of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.
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The new anti-Semitism

Victor Davis Hanson analyzes the ‘new anti-Semitism’:

We’re accustomed to associating hatred of Jews with the ridiculed Neanderthal Right of those in sheets and jackboots. But this new venom, at least in its Western form, is mostly a leftwing, and often an academic, enterprise. It’s also far more insidious, given the left’s moral pretensions and its influence in the prestigious media and universities. We see the unfortunate results in frequent anti-Israeli demonstrations on campuses that conflate Israel with Nazis, while the media have published fraudulent pictures and slanted events in southern Lebanon.

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