Category Archives: Media

False reporting

Will this story from Palestinian Media Watch get as much coverage as the original story about the deaths of a family on a Gaza beach?

PA TV falsifies video of Gaza deaths

by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook, June 12, 2006

Palestinian Authority TV has been repeatedly broadcasting a falsified video clip of the events surrounding the deaths of seven family members on the Gaza beach on Friday. In an attempt to blame Israel’s navy for the deaths, PA TV took unrelated video of an Israeli missile boat firing at Gaza earlier in the day and edited them into the scenes, creating the impression Israeli responsibility.
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Dark clouds

Over at Irene Lancaster’s weblog comes evidence that Lord Carey is none too happy at the media’s interpretation of a speech he made recently. Here is the Sunday Telegraph’s version:

In a speech that will be seen as a direct attack on Dr Williams’s ability to maintain unity in the Church, Lord Carey accused liberals of devastating the communion “that we once loved”…

“When I left office at the end of 2002 I felt the Anglican communion was in good heart,” he said. “It is difficult to say in what way we are now a communion. Bitterness, hostility, misunderstanding and strife now separate provinces from one another and divide individual provinces.”

But this was not an attack on Dr Rowan Williams, the current Archbishop and successor to Lord Carey. The text of the speech makes this clear:

When I left office at the end of 2002 I felt the Anglican Communion was in good heart, although forbidding black clouds were appearing on the horizon as a result of the decisive outcome of the Lambeth Conference on August 5th 1998 in which the Resolution on homosexuality was agreed overwhelmingly by the assembled bishops.

Dark clouds were already looming, and nothing to do with Dr Williams. But no doubt the urge to paint Lord Carey as attacking his successor will continue.

AFI acts against BBC bias

A letter to Mark Thomson, Director-General of the BBC, from Simon McIlwaine of Anglicans for Israel:

Dear Mr Thomson

I wish to complain about the outrageous allegation on the BBC website that: “All Israeli settlements within land occupied during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war are judged illegal under international law, although Israel disputes this. ”

This is utter rubbish! As a solicitor, I would be intrigued to know the authority for this proposition.

The Settlements are Not Illegal! Lawful owners of land have not been wrongfully deprived of it.

By contrast, however, Jordan expelled Jews from land they had lawfully bought in what is now called “the West Bank” after launching a war against Israel in 1948.
Continue reading AFI acts against BBC bias

Iranian President Elaborates on His Plan for the Jews to Leave Israel


The following are excerpts from a speech by Iranian President Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that aired on Iranian News Channel (IRINN) on April 24, 2006.


Iranian President Ahmadinejad: “The greatest problem from which humanity suffers today, the main problem facing the countries of the Middle East, is the continuation of the processes that took place during World War II.”


“Let’s assume certain things did happen [in World War II]. Why should the people of the Middle East, for over 60 years, be paying for it under this pretext?”


“The same people who claim to have saved humanity, and to have prevented further massacre in World War II, and who avenged the victims of that war – why have they killed over 100,000 innocent people in 60 years?”

Continue reading Iranian President Elaborates on His Plan for the Jews to Leave Israel