Category Archives: Middle East Politics

Human Rights Watch vs. Human Rights

The cynical manipulation of a worthy cause has a history.

by Joshua Muravchik, The Weekly Standard

Just three weeks after Hezbollah invaded Israel, kidnapping two Israeli soldiers and causing the deaths of eight others, Human Rights Watch issued a 49-page report about the war that had been ignited by this attack. The title of the report was Fatal Strikes: Israel’s Indiscriminate Attacks Against Civilians in Lebanon. “Our research shows that Israel’s claim that Hezbollah fighters are hiding among civilians does not explain, let alone justify, Israel’s indiscriminate warfare,” declared Kenneth Roth, executive director of the New York-based nongovernmental organization. “In some cases, these attacks constitute war crimes,” the group concluded. Then it added the most damning charge of all: “In some instances, Israeli forces appear to have deliberately targeted civilians.”

Human Rights Watch did not claim that its representatives were present when any of these alleged crimes occurred. Rather, the report explained that its information was gleaned from interviewing “eye-witnesses and survivors” of Israeli strikes who “told Human Rights Watch that neither Hezbollah fighters nor other legitimate military targets were in the area that the IDF attacked.” To reinforce its interpretation, the report added that when Human Rights Watch investigators arrived at the various scenes, they did not see “any signs of military activity in the area[s] attacked, such as trenches, destroyed rocket launchers, other military equipment, or dead or wounded fighters.”

There was of course no dependable method by which Human Rights Watch could assess the veracity of what it was told by the “witnesses.” Indeed, there was no means by which it could be sure that they were not Hezbollah cadres, since members of the group do not ordinarily wear uniforms or display identity badges. As for the absence of physical signs of Hezbollah’s presence at bomb sites, the report seemed to assume that the group would have left in place damaged weapons and fallen and injured comrades during the hours, or more likely days, that passed before HRW’s investigators arrived at each site. For the especially grave accusation that civilian deaths were inflicted “deliberately,” no evidence was offered. Civilians were hit, of course, and individuals claiming to be witnesses denied Hezbollah had been in the area.

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Hezbollah coming to a town near you

From the American Congress for Truth:

For those of you who think Hezbollah is a Lebanese/Israeli problem here is some info for you:

Over 300 Hezbollah terrorist have been arrested in America on American soil in the last few years by our government one of them was a general who came through the Mexican border.

Hezbollah has 11 cells that we know of in the United States.

Hezbollah has continuously vowed Death to America.

Of the 25,000 supposedly Americans we shipped out of Lebanon in this last brouhaha, most of them were Muslim Hezbollah sympathizers. Over 7000 of them were from Dearbornistan, Michigan who after getting home demonstrated against America in support of Hezbollah.

Please watch the video below:

Abbas Pays Salaries of Hamas Terrorist Force

From The Media Line:

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud ‘Abbas has paid the salaries of Hamas terrorists, most of whom belong to the Iz al-Din al-Qassam military wing. Salary payments are being made to employees of the P.A. by ‘Abbas because funding from donor nations has been channeled to his office as a way of bypassing Hamas.

Decisions on whom to pay is overseen by a committee of the European Union. Those members of the so-called “operational force” who were permitted to receive funds were approved because they had been absorbed into the Palestinian police force as part of an agreement between ‘Abbas and Hamas.

The coming wars

Everyone should read this article by Caroline Glick in the Jerusalem Post. She comments:

In the not so distant future, we will find ourselves at war with Iran. Today, the choice of whether we fight that war in our own time, and before Iran gets nuclear weapons is in our hands. If we hesitate, if we and the rest of the free world waste precious time with worthless diplomatic wrangling with the ayatollahs, war will come to us, but on the enemy’s terms. And we will have only ourselves to blame.

Forget whatever you are doing and read this article now.

The enemy mindset

The Egyptian blogger Sandmonkey raises the issue of Samir Kuntar, the main figure – indeed, the “dean” of Lebanese prisoners – that Hezbollah is so keen to get back. Sandmonkey points out exactly why Kuntar was jailed:

In the coastal town of Nahariya, the terrorists shot dead a policeman and forced their way into an apartment building, where they captured Danny Haran and his daughter, Einat, 4.

While the terrorists rampaged through the apartment, firing weapons and detonating grenades, Haran’s wife Smadar hid in a crawlspace above the couple’s bedroom together with their other daughter, two-year-old Yael, and a neighbor.

In an effort to prevent Yael from crying out and alerting the terrorists to their whereabouts, Smadar kept her hand over the child’s mouth, and accidentally smothered her to death.

Meanwhile Kuntar and his group took Danny and Einat Haran to the beach.

“There, according to eyewitnesses, one of them shot Danny in front of Einat so that his death would be the last sight she would ever see,” Smadar
wrote later.

“Then he smashed my little girl’s skull in against a rock with his rifle butt. That terrorist was Samir Kuntar.”

And these are the sort of people who are deemed appropriate for an “exchange of prisoners” – a euphemism for hostage-taking and blackmail to secure the release of terrorists – and all facilitated by the UN of course. As Sandmonkey says, “This guy, this child-killer will walk free and will be greeted as a Hero when he goes back to Lebanon.”